
AWS Courses

Recognized as welding's leading authority, AWS is committed to excellence. AWS offers numerous certifications, programs and services for the welding professional. From welder to engineer; employer to employee; domestic to international.

Recognized experts are secured for AWS-sponsored conferences and seminars held at convenient, affordable sites around the U.S. As with all AWS products and services, members are entitled to a substantial 25% discount. AWS programs have earned an unprecedented 97% excellent-good rating from attendees. These programs are excellent venues to keep employees informed and productive.

The rewards and benefits of membership in the world's premier welding society are endless. Belonging to something larger than yourself extends your resources to new avenues of opportunity, and capabilities to new levels of achievement. A variety of membership categories are crafted to ensure optimum opportunity for the individual, student, small business, educational institute, and corporate member. Join the power of over 68.000 industry professionals...members of the American Welding Society.

AWS brings you a variety of research and study projects. Partnering with government, private institutes and individuals, the future begins with research and study today.

Please be informed that all mentioned, offered and given Prices and Course Costs are subject to change. We therefor ask you to contact us for the correct Prices and Course Costs.